Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Know thyself", just what does that mean? ...

Do we really understand ourselves, or are we a product of the environment we grew up in and therefore a mechanical man or woman ? ...

Throughout life we are exposed to many influences, all derived from the class and culture we were raised to believe in. Yet there should come a point in life, where a "volte face" occurs and we begin to question ourselves and the things we were taught. Call it an "Epiphany" or a "Conscious moment" or even a "Crisis", it is a point in the time of our lives, that we must come to in order to change gears so to speak...

I have seen many moments in my life where what I previously held "Dear" to my mind and heart, no longer holds the same value they once did. "Entropy", is what I found to be the best explanation for this phenomena, where I had reached a point of "Maximal Entropy" and there was no further exchange of energy, like there was before in my directed fascinations. At the same time I was studying this "Entropy" phenomena, I came across the "classics" of ancient Greek philosophies, pointing to no less and sometime's more ideas that have been bantered about since time began...

 "Know thyself", just what does that mean? ...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Enneagram, engine of creation ? ...

There are many symbols within life that can add to our burgeoning consciousness, creating greater understanding in the overall process. We have the "yin yang", "seal of Solomon", "the Pyramid", "the Cross" and countless others from countless other systems...

What we think we know, can be viewed in all these symbols, depending of course upon perspective and mindset. The mindset and the perspective are the reference points, that can lead us up or down the proverbial staircase...

What I mean by this mindset idea, depends upon inside and outside conditions and how you have been formed from those conditions. These conditions some would say, are pre-existent and attracted by your present being, in order to learn within this present recurrence or incarnation...

The most powerful symbol of them all is the "Enneagram", where all other symbols can be found within. Some call it the "engine of creation", others the "road map of the return journey"...

Read More; Enneagram, engine of creation ? ...