Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sacred cross, when time and eternity intersect...

"In connection with a remark that the feeling of Eternity enters into Self Remembering, and does not enter into self observation, we can remind ourselves of some of the ideas on Time which are accessory to this teaching..." TIME-BODY Great Amwell House, September 28, 1946

With this opening remark Maurice Nicoll began to explain the idea of the "Time body" in relationship to conscious development, recurrence and reincarnation. When I first met this idea, I had already learned a great deal from other schools of thought, that dealt with the philosophy of non duality concerning manifestation, resurrection and reincarnation. Naturally I had trouble accepting that there were multiple levels of time related to one's being.

But the more I began to think of and from this idea, the more it resonated within my inner self. Of course I had already learned that a division was necessary between the inner and outer "selves", where the inner is singular, internal and not naturally developing, while the outer is natural, multiple and only external. When I say "natural" I mean the acquired side of us, that comes from a development of personality according to conditions...

Read more;  Sacred cross, when time and eternity intersect...

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