Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spring is in the air...The "rebirth" begins...

Spring, the season of "renewal", the season of new life and rebirth, where all life rises from the "dead" of winter...

Raising one's level of consciousness, can actually be considered a rebirth in a way, out with the old ideas and in with the new. The "Time body" can regenerate both in spirit and physicality if one is so inclined.

In this beautiful season, the season of love, all minds and hearts turn to creative aspects, where new life and relationships are unfolding. The circle begins again, I like to say of it, where hope "springs" eternal. In some circles we celebrate "the resurrection" as an example of rebirth and change, where the operative word is change itself.

 Read more; Spring is in the air...The "rebirth" begins...

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