Tuesday, February 5, 2013

When the eagle comes for the serpent...

Everything can be deemed allegorical, even ideas contained in stories or artwork, dramas, films, so you get the picture so to speak between the background graphic and the title, especially if you are approaching it from an esoteric viewpoint...

In this instance, "the Eagle" represents a higher centre or mind, coming down for a lower centre or mind. All to often we can get caught up in life, choosing ideas or feelings that really do not lead anywhere, except maybe back around the circle. Everything repeats unfortunately, yet we fail to see this because we look with those same ideas and feelings all of the time...

Change is what's necessary, just like a breath of fresh, cool, clean air, can change your whole energy pattern in an instant. We resist this idea of change though, preferring to hold onto old ideas and feelings long after their energy has worn out. Why is this so ? Because safe ground is familiar to us, whereas new territory is strange and at times frightening...

Read more;  When the eagle comes for the serpent...

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