Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spring is in the air...The "rebirth" begins...

Spring, the season of "renewal", the season of new life and rebirth, where all life rises from the "dead" of winter...

Raising one's level of consciousness, can actually be considered a rebirth in a way, out with the old ideas and in with the new. The "Time body" can regenerate both in spirit and physicality if one is so inclined.

In this beautiful season, the season of love, all minds and hearts turn to creative aspects, where new life and relationships are unfolding. The circle begins again, I like to say of it, where hope "springs" eternal. In some circles we celebrate "the resurrection" as an example of rebirth and change, where the operative word is change itself.

 Read more; Spring is in the air...The "rebirth" begins...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sacred cross, when time and eternity intersect...

"In connection with a remark that the feeling of Eternity enters into Self Remembering, and does not enter into self observation, we can remind ourselves of some of the ideas on Time which are accessory to this teaching..." TIME-BODY Great Amwell House, September 28, 1946

With this opening remark Maurice Nicoll began to explain the idea of the "Time body" in relationship to conscious development, recurrence and reincarnation. When I first met this idea, I had already learned a great deal from other schools of thought, that dealt with the philosophy of non duality concerning manifestation, resurrection and reincarnation. Naturally I had trouble accepting that there were multiple levels of time related to one's being.

But the more I began to think of and from this idea, the more it resonated within my inner self. Of course I had already learned that a division was necessary between the inner and outer "selves", where the inner is singular, internal and not naturally developing, while the outer is natural, multiple and only external. When I say "natural" I mean the acquired side of us, that comes from a development of personality according to conditions...

Read more;  Sacred cross, when time and eternity intersect...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Eso Blog: Three point perspective... Is it the answer ???

Everything is in mirror image, yet confronts itself in opposites. We never seem to see this as a fact, especially in confrontation...

To look at a situation without bias, is a very difficult perspective to maintain, considering that the overwhelming majority function in only one or the other of the opposites. So we sit in two point perspective, oblivious to the fact that there might be a third point of view...

Life makes it that way, which is probably the reason people are referred to as "players on a stage", or "chess pieces on a board". Sad when you think about it, we always remained convinced that we can change if given the right "outside" conditions, but that in itself is a one point perspective view, change always comes from within and never from without...

We do not study our own psychology, we prefer to adopt some organisation's reasoning, leaving the thoughts for someone else to create. If we consider mental illness awareness in this month of "psychology awareness" we find "awareness" takes a back seat most of the time. The majority of problems are treated with "chemical therapy" that may remove the symptoms, but does not address the root problem. I have seen this practice many times before, both in myself and others...

Eso Blog: Three point perspective... Is it the answer ???

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

When the eagle comes for the serpent...

Everything can be deemed allegorical, even ideas contained in stories or artwork, dramas, films, so you get the picture so to speak between the background graphic and the title, especially if you are approaching it from an esoteric viewpoint...

In this instance, "the Eagle" represents a higher centre or mind, coming down for a lower centre or mind. All to often we can get caught up in life, choosing ideas or feelings that really do not lead anywhere, except maybe back around the circle. Everything repeats unfortunately, yet we fail to see this because we look with those same ideas and feelings all of the time...

Change is what's necessary, just like a breath of fresh, cool, clean air, can change your whole energy pattern in an instant. We resist this idea of change though, preferring to hold onto old ideas and feelings long after their energy has worn out. Why is this so ? Because safe ground is familiar to us, whereas new territory is strange and at times frightening...

Read more;  When the eagle comes for the serpent...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

On the heels of "wonder" what if ? ...

Let's jump right to it shall we? "What If" is an interesting question to ask oneself and maybe even others at times, while traveling along this divided path of both, "esoteric" and "exoteric" exploration towards greater understanding...

It has all the hallmarks of self discovery and deeper exploration contained in those two precise words, yet they can also pose a hazard to those very characteristics. It functions as a doorway between pro and con, left or right, yes and no, with many countless other applications as well.
It is the "Q" that may drive us to search out more information, or on the other hand, the inhibitor that stalls any further activity because of potential hazards or negative conditions.

An excellent question and of course attitude, to carry with us throughout our living journey. So let's apply it to something as an exercise in understanding...

So "what if" this whole physical existence journey, is actually something entirely different than what we are coerced into believing? This can bring forth a myriad of "what ifs" as I full well know, it was the original question that took me all over the globe and through a whole host of different experiences. At each and every crossroads, another what if popped up...

Read more;  On the heels of "wonder" what if ? ...